Out of all the conflicts going on in the world people seem to be overreacting and pay attention to the little things. The little things some people may not be so little to others for instance who would really pay attention to whether you have more yellow M&Ms than you do the blue ones ? But you have people who do that . Saima Ahamd, a 20 year old from London bought KitKats with no wafer inside is now demanding Nestle a lifetime supply of KitKats. Now, who would overreact to such a thing? Her. Things like this happen and will always happen not just with KitKats but other chocolate, chips, cookies or whatever it is a the time these products are being made. The fact that this girl even thought about reaching out to Nestle and demanding a lifetime supply of this product caught the attention of many. After articles were published, like in Daily Mail and , the guardian, Fox8 news and many more, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have been the sources where this issue has been known of. All Saima wanted was to enjoy a KitKat bar, but unfortunately no wagged was in these KitKats so since she didn't receive the product that she paid she is demanding Nestle a lifetime supply and people who are seeing this going on are attacking her. The way media is pertraying this incident leaves many people confused and people laughter, because what she is dealing with is to many ridiculous and comments have been posted on Twitter that are not so nice.
Interesting post. It makes you wonder what people's real motivations are when something like this happens. I doubt somehow it's to get free food. More like, free publicity.